What’s Trying to Hug You?

Well, first and foremost, let’s share a New Year’s toast: “May this brand new year be the best one yet, for each and every one of us!” Happy New Year to you, from my heart.

I got a wonderful present this week from a Facebook friend, Nanda Jurela, who shares her insightful wisdom on her blog. The gift was what she called an “enlightening motto” that she had heard a few years ago. It says, “You can’t embrace what is trying to hug you while holding onto yesterday’s junk.”

I’m adopting that one myself, thank you, Nanda.

Imagine waking up every day of the new year wondering what hugs will come hoping for your embrace! They could come dressed up as anything. They could be any color, or shape, or size. The only thing they all have in common is that they’re filled with goodness and a very particular fondness for you.

Personally, I’m going to make a mini-poster to hang on my bedroom wall where I’ll see it as I step out into the day: “You can’t embrace what is trying to hug you while holding onto yesterday’s junk.” I suspect its junk is all that stands between us and genuine joy. I’ll remind myself, too, that even one minute ago can be “so yesterday.”

I’ll be sharing my thoughts about “genuine joy” over the coming weeks, and about things that serve to invite more of it into our lives. What better way to begin than to practice noticing life’s little reminders that it’s on your side and just waiting for you to take its assurance that you are so dearly loved–even when you’re a mess!

The hugs are always there, you know. Go around expecting them to pop into your world at any moment. Chances are, if you think about them during the day it’s because one is trying to get your attention. And all you have to do to grab it is to let go of yesterday’s junk!

It might come as a thought, as a hope, as a new possibility. It might fall across your path as something you hear or read or see in the sky. It might come as a silver lining. A person could bring it, or the mail, or an elephant. Hugs can wear any costume you can imagine, and a bunch of them that you can’t. But every hug life gives you—never, ever forget—comes especially for you and is exactly what you need. So do remember to say thanks. Then be on the lookout for the next one. And the next. And the next.

May you go through the year with open eyes. empty arms, and a peaceful heart.

Happy New Year, my friend.


Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

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